Washing Your Dress Shirt

by | Life Advice

You might have worn dress shirts for many years and now you are tired of washing it. It is true that you can wear a dress shirt for years and it won’t go bad in a few days, but at the same time you can’t wear it every day.

Now, if you have a dirty dress shirt, then it will make you look like a slovenly person. If you want to avoid this then you must wash your dress shirt.

There are a lot of tips on how to wash dress shirts, but if you don’t know the best way then I will suggest you to follow these steps:

1. Prepare a solution

A solution is nothing but a mixture of water and soap. So, prepare a solution of 1 cup of warm water and 1 tablespoon of washing powder.

2. Wash it properly

You need to use a soft brush for washing your dress shirt. It should be soft so that it won’t damage your shirt.

3. Dry it properly

After washing it, it is very important to dry your dress shirt properly. Use a towel or a drying rack to do it.

4. Store it properly

After washing, you can store your dress shirt in a clean place and if you have any stains then you can apply a fabric softener to it.


I hope you liked this post on “How to Wash Dress Shirt”. These steps will help you to keep your dress shirt clean and fresh. If you follow these tips, then you can avoid the problem of having a dirty dress shirt.

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