Why Do Women Who Don’t Wear Makeup Think They Look Pretty?

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Do you know women who don t wear makeup? I mean, really, do you know any women who don t wear makeup? I sure don t know any women who don t wear makeup, but I do know women who wear more than their fair share of makeup. And I bet you do too.

You see, women who don t wear makeup are usually not afraid to show off their skin and the results are often quite striking. Take for example a woman who is covered up entirely by eyeliner and mascara. That’s quite extreme, I know, but in the eyes of many men, that woman is quite sexy. And if she isn’t, well, who isn’t?

In fact, some women who don t wear makeup are so daring that they go as far as to use tattoos and facial hair to enhance their appearances. That’s extreme, but hey, it works for some women. And this is just one example. Just think about the other woman on the street who looks exactly like you.

Is she as beautiful as you? Well, I’ll let you answer that question…

There are women who don t wear makeup because they simply don t care. In short, they believe that makeup is for those who look just like them and not for people who look a little different from them. Those women often have very interesting wardrobes and are very well dressed. Their personalities shine through and that often draws the attention of all types of men. I’m not saying that every single woman who does not wear makeup has an interesting personality or that every woman who does wear makeup doesn’t care about her appearance, but there certainly are many who do.

There are also women who wear makeup because it makes them feel more attractive and confident. Again, I’m not saying that every single woman who does not wear makeup is vain or shallow. But I do believe that there are many who feel that way and you should be one of them. Just because you don t paint your face to look like a clown doesn’t mean that you’re vain!

Of course, the makeup will not make you look like a clown. That would just be an extreme case of hyper-confidence. But it will make you look a little more polished and confident, which can have great benefits. If confidence is something that you want in yourself then why not go for it and wear makeup? But remember, just because you do it doesn’t mean that you need to do it all day.

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